By: Brie Bramblett
Local guide serves up Florida adventure in more ways than one!

What’s better than a kayak tour full of playful manatees, glowing bioluminescent waters, and warm salty air on your skin? Not much, honestly. But you and I both know there’s that one thing that absolutely makes or breaks every tour we’ve ever been on – the guide. We could all share stories of wasted money on tours with guides that had nothing to say, and let’s not even bring up the guides you’ve tried to block from your memory because you actually saw your life flash before your eyes under their “careful” direction.
What Makes A Great Florida Tour Guide?
There are a lot of things that make a great guide. They should be funny, informative, adventurous, and have that natural ability to lead and calm any pre-adventure jitters. But what’s the icing on the cake, the creme de la creme of the tour guide world? For me, it’s when they’re local! I want my guide to be the one with years of exploring the area under their belt. When they’re experts of every twist and turn, every animal, every out of this world scientific anomaly and story from the past to blow my mind like a flame torch on a dish of bananas foster.
Meet BK Adventure Guide Kamary Browne
Kamary Browne, a local guide here at BK Adventure does exactly that! He’s spent the last 8 years exploring Titusville and becoming an expert on the areas where he guides. Kamary originally came to Titusville for the family and the nature that he loves!
Favorite Thing About Being Florida Eco-Tour Guide
Although Kamary was originally drawn to the area for the nature, when asked he told us that his favorite thing about being a guide is actually the people! He loves that he gets to meet new people from not only all over the country, but all over the world!
His Guests Are Surprised to Hear That He…
It’s hard to imagine that a guide so incredibly dedicated even has time for life outside of his tours, but Kamary let us in on his favorite thing to do during his free time… he bakes! And not just your typical chocolate chip cookies either. His favorite thing to bake is almond white chocolate scones! Can you say YUM?! This local guide is definitely serving up Florida adventure in more ways than one!