BK Adventure – Florida Tours – World Famous Bioluminescence and Eco-tours

Let’s get outside Florida!

"Econlockhatchee River from the Florida Trail bridge" by Trougnouf - While canoing on Econlockhatchee River

Spending time outdoors is a great way to make you healthier. Escaping to the woods, mountains, river or even your backyard benefits both your brain and body. Orlando and Central Florida certainly have beautiful nature to help you start!

Have you thought about how much time you or your kids are spending inside with your electronic devices? How many days a week does your family do an outdoor fun and relaxing activity? Ramesh BK, owner of BK Adventure, has based his company on the idea of motivating people get outside and know the exotic places that Florida has to offer for all of us.


Think back for a moment to your childhood. What was your favorite place? Mine was at the beach, in Venezuela, with my family. We went to our beach house at least once a month, all the family used to play entire baseball games on the sand and sit around a huge bonfire while singing or making silly jokes. For most of today’s adults, their favorite moments were staying outside, doing all different kind of outdoor activities such as kayaking, running, biking, swimming, playing sports, etc. Ask the same question to the current generation of kids and the odds are that the answer will be the best place in the world is their bedroom, interfacing with technology instead of the natural world.


With an excess of electronic distractions, such as online activities and video games, it’s easy for both children and adults to lose touch with the wonderful things to do outdoors. By doing activities outside can help you promote a love of physical activity in your children, and it also impulses adults to engage corporal exercises as well. This is especially true when families develop hobbies that require everyone to get involved, such as kayaking, biking, or hiking. Also, games that involve teams come with an added benefit, as they encourage family bonding.


Additionally, getting outside leaves a bunch of emotional and behavioral benefits for all the family. E.g., greener locations are related with improved rational functions and an increase in self-discipline, according to Rick Nauert, senior news editor for PsychCentral.com, in his article “Going Green benefits Physical, Mental Health.” Also, people who spend less time outdoors are more likely to suffer disorders such as depression and anxiety. While heading outside might not be an instant or foolproof cure for these disorders, it can serve as one healthy lifestyle choice that contributes to recovery or prevention.


kayaking get outside florida

You can start with little things! Spend a short play session in the backyard, then go for a bike, and soon you will be ready for super fun activities like kayaking and mountain biking! Ramesh BK, owner of BK Adventure, would be more than happy to help you accomplish this important mission for you and your family! Enjoy it!


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